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the Scalar Laser


Benefits of Lasers


Pain Relief


I have had a problem with my hip for about three years. Massage therapists, chiros could not pinpoint where the pain was. I purchased the laser in November, and after using it for a few weeks, I do not have the pain anymore.

- Helen P.


I am ever so pleased that my friend invited me to experience the Scalar Wave Laser. After two short sessions my sciatica is almost pain free and my foot has stopped "burning." Thank you so much.

- Sherry M.


As a practitioner I see a variety of client issues. Some resolve or diminish over time, but others are much faster. My next-door neighbor hurt herself falling off a jumping horse. For two weeks she resisted her husband's suggestions that she try the laser since it had helped alleviate his own back pain. Finally I convinced her to come over and she could not believe that after 1 session her pain was completely gone and never came back!

I came to my 1st demonstration of the laser with back pain neck pain and knee pain. After a few minutes of treatment, they were all gone. I had energy, a sense of balance and wellbeing!

- Jenny R.


Last week I was cooking and spilled hot oil on my right arm under the wrist area. I immediately placed the laser in the area and soon the pain was gone. There was no redness or blisters.

- Awilda L.

Muscle Relaxation

About a month ago, I fell and injured my right arm/elbow. I dislocated my elbow and have a really black/blue bruise. My first reaction was to put ice on the area to help decrease the swelling. That hurt so I tried my laser. I put it in the area with the most swelling. In about four minutes, the pain started to subside. In ten minutes, the pain was completely gone. There was a very slight yellowing of the area. But the black and blue bruising was gone. The next morning when I tried to bend my arm, the muscle in the arm was relaxed, and the elbow slid back into place on its own. I am so thankful for my laser!

- Vertha P.


I have pain at lower back by twisting muscle. My friend did the cold laser about 20 minutes pain was gone. I fell from tree several feet high. I got the pain at my hip. I tried cold laser about 20 minutes twice. Pain was gone

- Masaji T


I have a friend who introduced me to the laser in the summer of '09 following a knee injury. It was an emotional time in which I could not work or garden and basically get on with my life. The laser treatments helped me to relax into a place where I could leave my stress and go to a place of healing. Physically the pain in my knee was erased and I know that prior to the laser I would have perhaps had to endure surgery.

- Bev F.


A 78-year -old friend of mine hurt her foot about 21 years ago. When it happened, her right foot ended up twisted backwards under her leg. This caused a major leg and groin injury as well. She was not able to feel her foot properly. It was numb and felt "leathery." After using the Scalar Wave Laser on her foot and the red probe on her leg, she experienced amazing pain relief. She exclaimed that she was going to tell everyone about the Scalar Wave Laser! Two weeks after I bought the laser I tore the meniscus in my knee and was in extreme pain and could not bend or put pressure on my knee. I used the laser on my knee every day. Within four days, my knee felt 85% better, and in one week, 90% better! After two weeks, the pain was 99% gone, and no longer required pain medication or surgery. I was amazed! Wow!

- Jane S.


I have had great results with using the laser on my arthritis. My fingers are very sore and swollen. After several months of using the laser, I have no more pain and my fingers aren't swollen and are getting back to normal size. I also had a trigger finger that would stick all the time-it doesn't anymore!

- Trishia B.


My mother-in-law has a frozen shoulder as well as major arthritis. She has not really been able to use her arm. After her first session she felt pain free and was actually able to use her arm to help pull herself out of bed the next morning.

- George C.


I was in an automobile accident a few months ago and was prescribed medication for the inflammation and pain by a doctor. Of course, the medication gave me very bad side effects and was not effective. A friend loaned me her scaler wave laser for 2 days and I had such wonderful relief, that I had to order my own laser. I have used my laser everyday since I have received it, and I truly love my laser! Everyone should own one!

- Victoria M.


I was recently in a horse riding incident where my shoulder muscles suffered severe strain. I felt like I had been in a car accident. I am new to the laser so with skepticism I tried using it on my sore shoulders. The next morning I woke up completely pain free. I am no longer a skeptic.

- Lynne B.


My niece's partner complains of neck pain, and has been suffering from this for a long time. He didn't believe in alternative methods, and thought they were "rubbish" He tried the laser, and the pain was gone. His pain hasn't returned, and it's been two month. Now he believes.

- Helen S.


I did the laser on my kneecap as I had injured it, and my knee has stopped clicking and I have no pain now.

- Stan F.


The second time I was exposed to the laser I had a wonderful result with hip pain that I had in my right hip for over three years. It felt great to finally be free of this pain, as it had affected my sleep, my endurance, my mood, and my overall well being. I continue to use the laser for my family and myself, and also in my practice. One of the things I really like about this laser is the transportability. I throw it in my purse like a cell phone, and use it and share it wherever I go. I did a 60-mile walk with 150 other women this summer-I carried my laser with me and used it all along the way. I credit the laser for my being able to finish the walk in a healthier state than I would have without it.

- Dianne P.

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